Fototapete Two Of A Kind. The stated aim of the project, says Michele Angelini, "is to give visibility to historical and artistic Italian places—in particular the ones not so common to the main public—and to give focus to the Italian Arts and Crafts, which means design, tradition, taste, flavours, and more. Photo-Tex is a peel and stick, multi-US patented, polyester fabric, adhesive media material that can be installed on any non-porous flat surface in any weather condition and then removed and reused many times over.
This is a combination of two products, it's not a whole product in one label.
Der Alltag muss nicht grau sein.
People are different, and so are their preferences in wall design. The background is a cool black and grey with hints of dark blues and purples. Items similar to Tie Dye Chakra T-Shirt-Custom Made & One-of-a-Kind! on Etsy This listing is for a beautiful tie dye T-Shirt with the seven chakras going down both the front and back!